Steering Committee Documents

First Steering Committee meeting documents:

Decision 1.1 Adoption of the agenda

Decision 1.2 Appointment of the Steering Committee co-chair representing the funders

Decision 1.3 Adoption of the Governance Structure

Decision 1.4 Adoption of SOFF programming criteria

Decision 1.5 Consultation process for the remaining parts of the Operational Manual

Decision 1.6 Adoption of preliminary work programme

Decision 1.7 SOFF Secretariat work plan and budget SOFF First Implementation Period July 2022 to June 2025

Decision 1.8 Consultation process for the Resource Mobilization and Outreach Strategy

Decision 1.9 Adoption of dates and format of Steering Committee meetings in 2022

1SC Summary of Decisions from the SOFF First Steering Committee meeting 

Second Steering Committee meeting documents:

Decision 2.1 Adoption of the Agenda

Decision 2.2 Adoption of the SOFF Operational Manual

Decision 2.3 Endorsement of the SOFF Resource Mobilization and Outreach Strategy

Decision 2.4 Adoption of the short-term resource mobilization and outreach actions

Decision 2.5 Adoption of dates and format of Steering Committee meetings 2022-2023

1SC Summary of the SOFF second Steering Committee meeting

Signed Summary of Decisions of the SOFF second Steering Committee meeting

Third Steering Committee meeting documents:

Decision 3.1 Adoption of the Agenda

Decision 3.2 Adoption of the SOFF Results Framework – Readiness phase baseline and targets for the First Implementation Period

Decision 3.3 Adoption of the SOFF Gender Action Plan: Targets for the First Implementation Period

Decision 3.4 Adoption of first batch of SOFF programming countries

3SC Summary of Decisions from the SOFF Third Steering Committee meeting