Secretary-General’s video remarks at launch of the First Hydromet Gap Report
I am pleased to welcome the first Hydromet Gap report.
I thank the 13 member organizations of the Alliance for Hydromet Development for highlighting the urgent need to close the capacity gap on high-quality weather forecasts, early warning systems and climate information. This is essential for building resilience in the face of climate change. Frightening heatwaves and other climate events emphasize our growing crisis.
Global observing system needs sustainable investments

More than 100 participants representing 28 potential funders and 21 observer institutions attended the second funders’ forum of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF) on the 28th of June to advance discussions on on the timeline and costs and benefits.
he forum built on the discussions of the first funders’ forum, and addressed key issues that delegations raised during the first forum and in subsequent consultations. It focused on clarifying the critical role of observations in the meteorological value chain and the SOFF value proposition; the proposed institutional and operational arrangements; and the roadmap to COP26 and beyond.
Least developed countries welcome Systematic Observations Financing Facility
The Least Developed Countries (LDC) group has welcomed the proposed creation of the Systematic Observation Financing Facility (SOFF) to improve weather forecasts and strengthen resilient development. The LDC Group is comprised of the 46 countries who are among the world’s most vulnerable and suffer disproportionately from climate impacts given their financial constraints and limited capacities
New observing system financing initiative wins support

A major new proposed financing initiative to close the increasing gaps in the global observing system, which underpins all weather forecasts and early warnings, has received overwhelming support from the international community.
The Systematic Observations Financing Facility, or SOFF, seeks to provide technical and financial assistance to countries to generate and exchange basic observational data. This is critical for improved weather forecasts and climate services needed to boost resilience to more extreme weather and to adapt to climate change impacts.
New study shows socio-economic benefits of weather observations

Behind every weather forecast, every early warning of life-threatening hazards, and every long-term climate change projection are observational data. A new report published by the World Bank, produced in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization and the Met Office (UK), estimates improving the collection and international exchange of surface-based observational data will deliver additional socioeconomic benefits worth more than US $5 billion a year.
Why We Need Better Weather Forecasts

You may have noticed that weather forecasts on your cellphone are reasonably accurate for the next three to five days, but very iffy eight to 10 days out. This may not matter much to you, except when you are planning a camping or sailing trip, or an outdoor event, like a wedding. But it matters a lot to a farmer who has to decide on optimal timing for planting, harvesting, and irrigation, or an electric utility manager who needs to plan for the expected supply of solar or wind energy to the grid.
Alliance for Hydromet Development launched

Uniting efforts to close the capacity gap on early warnings and climate information by 2030 Madrid, Spain (10 December 2019) – Twelve international organizations providing assistance to developing countries came together at the UN Climate Change Conference today to launch the Alliance for Hydromet Development. The members of the Alliance have committed collectively to ramp up action […]