World Food Programme: The Science behind Saving and Changing Lives

Reflecting on the critical role of WFP and national governments in anticipating severe weather events and protecting vulnerable communities from the impacts of climate change. You can find the publication of WFP here, and download the factsheet here. 23 March 2023, World Meteorological Day. For WFP, this is an opportunity to reflect on the crucial role […]

Alliance for Hydromet Development: Close the Gap

The international community has issued a rallying call for greater investments in weather forecasts, early warning systems, and climate services – known as hydromet – to boost climate change adaptation and resilience to extreme weather.

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said the first Hydromet Gap report “tells us how far we need to go to ensure all people have access to accurate, timely weather and climate information.”

“But for accurate forecasts, we need reliable weather and climate data. Today, large gaps remain in basic weather data, particularly in Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries. These affect the quality of forecasts everywhere, particularly in the critical weeks and days when anticipatory actions are most needed,” said the UN Secretary-General.

Least developed countries welcome Systematic Observations Financing Facility

The Least Developed Countries (LDC) group has welcomed the proposed creation of the Systematic Observation Financing Facility (SOFF) to improve weather forecasts and strengthen resilient development. The LDC Group is comprised of the 46 countries who are among the world’s most vulnerable and suffer disproportionately from climate impacts given their financial constraints and limited capacities