Advisory Board TORs


• Provide recommendations on SOFF direction and contribute to assessing SOFF’s expected results

• Provide strategic advice related to SOFF portfolio of operations

• Facilitate dialogue and consultations among SOFF stakeholders to maximize synergies between SOFF results and the activities of the Advisory Board members and other partners and organizations working across the meteorological value chain

• Provide insights and foster learning and innovation

• Supported by the SOFF Secretariat, the SOFF Advisory Board will perform the tasks outlined below.


• Provide overall advice on SOFF strategic direction, including SOFF long-term objectives, results framework, and scope

• Review and provide recommendations on SOFF operational elements, including SOFF Operational Manual

• Review SOFF programming priorities and provide recommendations including on opportunities for synergies with Advisory Board members’ own country / regional activities and those of their peers and partners

• Provide recommendations on SOFF monitoring and evaluation and contribute to SOFF evaluations